
About me

Hello! Whoever read this it's nice to finally meet you.

I'm sixteen year old girl and I still don't know who I am or what I want from my life, but this is not a reason to stop and just wait for one day, to realize who I really wanna be. It's waste of my time and it's waist of everything that life has to offer. So I'm gonna try  with writing, and probably I will fell on this life test to, but suck it up – at least it will be fun.

So instant of complaning about myself I'm gonna tell you that I'm smart, caring and beautiful like every other person on this planet. Don't let society to take this away from. Just be a butterfly or bird, spread your wings and go chase your life, dreams, love and happines.

But I've got also my dark said, in the end of the day there is chocolate. So I'm also very impulsive, sometimes childish and extremly sensitive. And I've got all of these little anoying mistakes that make me who I am. And I like it.

So I'm not gonna waste any more of your time about how I see myself, I'd rather tell you some of my funny facts;

01.    HOROSCOPES: It's my weird obssesion that every morning I read my horoscope for yesterday, so I can laugh to something. I'm not even sure what's so funny about it.

02.    CAR AND MUSIC: When I will have my car licence I'm gonna drive without a real destination and just listnening to music. Until someone pusts me back in reality.  But if girl can dream about George Clooney, I guess she can dream about music and some old god car. *wink*

03.    A LITTLE BIT OF BRITISH WOMEN: Oh, yeah that women gets out every day, forcing me to make some tea.

04.    FASHION CRUSH:  Victoria Secret's lingerine and jeans. Oh, god I can't find my perfect jeans. It's like not having  perfect little black dress in your closet.  *Calling fashion emergency*

05.    READING WORM: So, me. I think there is nothing left to say.

06.    MOVIES: I love corny movies and some good action movies. I watch horrors just beacuse I'm curious.Which is another weird tag.

07.    When I read this  again I find it really akward, and not so funny.

08.    Oh, I'm really bad in grammar and english...

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