
Monday, May 26, 2014

Boyfriend jeans. So... ?!

Where are skinny jeans again? I mean aren't to big jeans so last season? As far as I remember even my mom've got so many "boyfriend" jeans and that mean they're just out of my closet. Am I wrong? Is she more fashionable than me, and she doesn't even notice? I guess. Welcome back to big jeans and shirtless colorful tops...

You know I'm wondring if fashion is moving foward or it will just repeat history on every 50 years. Is it the problem in lack of inspiration or, that today we can wear ''old'' fashion better?

I was talking with my schoolmates, most of us wears skinny jeans - like we don't know other jeans. All we know that pants need to be tight and perfectly sleem. Even if you can't breath, sit or move in them. Even if we know that boyfriends don't like them or any sporty girl probably. But, yeah we were proudly sitting in this skinny jeans, like we would have a new Chanel. But than two the most fashionable girls came in this "not so tight" boyfriend jeans (I didn't even know they're already sealing in our country).
While girls started to gossip about them, I took  my imaginary tea and started to listening what're they gonna say about the latest fashion;

"OMG, what the hell is she wearing?"
"I kind of like it."
"And now you? Come on guys, some jeans are for boys, some are for girls."
" So.. they're out?"

After that question I stopped listnening, I started to wondering if they're realy out? So that mean we should always move foward and never look back. Should  we just be inovating, trying to discover something better, instant of just for a moment and breath. Maybe even take a step back, beacuse what's the point of  inovating something really crazy, that you can't use in your everyday life. Like this pair of jeans.

I stopped and take deep breath. I step back just for few minutes to see the whole picture infront of me. When I came home I took my old pants, that I didn't wear since 7th grade. I tried them, make them a little make-over so they looked like brand new boyfriend jeans. And I love it.

They were very comftorable, beautiful and I could walk, breath and do everything without any pressure of wearing them. Designers were menaged to create something comforable for women and made much more beautiful shapes, which is also sexy and elegant if you know how to wear it.

I guess sometimes is good to look back, it may transform you in something better. We don't have to try new things everyday and just to keep moving. From time to time it's good to take 7th grade pants, chocolate that you eat since you were a kid and tea that you drink everyday.

Have a nice day!

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